Coorbiz Academy
As Coorbiz Academy, we believe that we are a privileged brand that has the opportunity to transfer the knowledge and experience we have gained in the fields of finance, automotive and management, as well as our inter-institutional sales and marketing activities at Coorbiz, to both companies and individuals, thanks to our carefully prepared training programs. As a reflection of our active business in the sector, we attach great importance to providing practical and usable information to our participants in the trainings we provide. With this approach that creates added value, we carefully prepare our trainers and training programs.
Our Difference, Our Educators!
Our experienced business partners, who have been managers in the field for many years, take part in the trainings we provide at Coorbiz Academy. Thus, we share our professional knowledge, skills and experience that we have gained by working for many years with interactive lessons, and we help the participants to use their full potential in their profession.

Training at Coorbiz Academy is a Privilege
We recruit our participants to the Coorbiz Academy by selecting them. Our aim is to make sure that the person is inclined to the line of work in which he will be trained and that when he works in this line of work, it will benefit both himself and his employers. In this way, we can recommend our successful graduates to our business partners with peace of mind.
“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.”
- Abraham Maslow